Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010 Winter Begins ! El Golfo, Mexico

And up the hill to the Light House ...
Must be Cerveza time !

Old Light House from the beach ...

Good view of the fishing boats going in and out ... bringing in Shrimp ... yummmm

View from the top of the Old Light House Tower

Gotta try out the beach roads with the tracker ... smooth !

Nice shot of the Full Moon in the background !

Right on the beach, all set up for Two weeks in El Golfo, Mexico (Beads to get made .. so I'm not officially on vacation yet)

Just gotta have a shot of those awesome Sunsets !!

Our first site of the Sea of Cortez ... nice to see it again !!!

We spent our first night at Walmart in Omak. Of course we did some shopping ... went into the store 3 times before we finally left Sat. morning ... around 10 am. Travels through Nevada High Dessert, we saw snow on the top ... behind us was a snow storm brewing !

We finally got all packed and hit the road Friday, Oct 15 around 3:30 pm. We had no problems at the border, taking about 10 minutes ... a record for us ! Maybe because it was 4 pm and they close at 5 !!!

First of all ... Motorhome paint job turned out awesome !! Alex did it in our back yard !

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